Turkey's best hair transplant doctors

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mechanical vs. manual extraction

F.U.E Surgical Instruments

F.U.E instruments have undergone distinguished developments since F.U.E was first established as a technique for hair transplantation and surgeons now use a choice of extraction instruments, punching devices, and various techniques to harvest follicular hair units.

Hair transplant surgeons can see only at the top of the patient’s scalp, therefore, they rely on their experience and individual preferred method of extraction instrument.

Mechanical and Manual Follicular Extraction

F.U.E surgery can be performed with manual extraction tools and mechanical extraction devices.

Mechanical extraction with the use of Advanced Micro Motor equipment allows the surgeon to transplant over 3,500-4,000 grafts in a remarkably short period of time, drastically reducing the amount of patient waiting time between transplant sessions and therefore further reducing patients overall costs.

A majority of clinics in Turkey use only mechanical graft extraction tools because of the ease and reduced time that it takes to conduct the procedure. Importantly, most clinics in Turkey are not certified to perform manual F.U.E procedures.

BestFue clinics in Istanbul, Antalya, and Akara are led by surgeons certified and regulated to perform both manual and mechanical methods of graft removal.

BestFue Mechanical Extraction

Mechanical graft extraction is performed by a hair transplant specialist who carefully operates the instrument for precise extraction.

Each follicular unit is individually extracted from the skin by a micro motor tip at the natural direction of growing hair. This means that hair is removed seamlessly whilst preventing any damage to the hair follicle.

Because the instrument is automatic the extraction process is quicker and the number of grafts collected is higher. After the extraction process, hair follicles are ready to be received into the treatment region.

In one day the surgeon can extract and transplant approximately 4500 grafts.

BestFue Manual Extraction

BestFue manual follicular unit extraction procedures involve the use of a manually operated F.U.E punching tool.

During the process of manual hair extraction, the hair specialist locates a follicular unit on the scalp, and grips the manual punching tool, with his hands, and places the hollow needle around the hair unit to severe it from the surrounding tissue.

BestFue conduct the manual extraction with a small needle of 0.6-0.9mm which keeps the risk of scarring nominal.

After separating the follicular unit from the scalp, the surgeon will then prepare to extract the graft with a sharp tipped forceps or further incision to the graft to remove it completely from connecting scalp tissue.

Manual Extraction Advantages

Manual extraction is more time consuming than mechanical extraction and costs more. The specialist can usually extract and transplant approximately 1200 follicular units in one day.

Many hair transplant surgeons opt to use manual techniques because they believe it provides better control of the sensitive feedback of the procedure, therefore providing better results.

Surgeons agree that no single punch or method works equally well for all patients, and that versatility is key to ensuring consistently high graft quality.